Bring on the Snow!

Welcome to the Rice Lake Snow Drifters
(OFSC District 3)


  • End of Season Update


Everyone is welcome to attend. Meetings are held at Glen Isle Business Offices, 15 McCallum Pl., Keene, ON - beginning at 7:30pm

  • March 17th
  • April 21st

Hello Everyone,

Once again it is time to turn our thoughts to snowmobiling and the hope for snow. Our Board of Directors and volunteers are beginning work on the trails to provide you with the opportunity to ride the best trails in our area. Trail maintenance, brushing, signage etc. must occur before snowfall so we are ready. As always more volunteers mean we can open trails more quickly. We need volunteers. We are only a small group of people and in order to provide the best trails we can we need people to step forth and help. Even if you can only spare a few hours we could use you. Please contact any member of the Board of Directors (listed below) to find out how you can help. We are looking forward to seeing you on the trails this season. Our goal is to roll out the white carpet early and to have a long and satisfying winter season on the trails.

Please read further for more details about what the OFSC, District 3 and the Rice Lake Snow Drifters are up to.

News and Articles

Trail Update
Sherri Luff:  March, 2025

Dear Permit Holders, Volunteers, Landowners, and Groomer Operators,

Unfortunately, it is time to call it a season. The temperatures and rain in the next few days will likely see our trails finished for the year. On behalf of the Rice Lake Snow Drifters Board of Directors, we would like to thank you for your continued support of our efforts to bring you the best snowmobiling we can on our 120 km of trails.

This season was exciting as the snow just kept coming. It meant that many of you set out on some great trails with friends and family to enjoy the winter wonderland we were blessed with this year. Your enthusiasm made this season a success!

A big thank you goes out to our groomer operators and Nathan and Kevin, our grooming coordinators for making awesome trails.

Thank you to our landowners for allowing us to have trails through their property. Without these generous owners we would not have the trail system we have.

Many thanks to all of our riders for buying a permit as this provides the funds to maintain, fix, groom and develop our trails.

A huge thank you to our volunteers. There are many people who spend countless hours getting trails ready, maintaining them, signing them and at the end of the season collecting signs from properties where they can't remain and making sure landowner property is left in the best possible condition. We are truly grateful for your efforts.

We hope next season will be just as fantastic as this one. Until we see you on the trails again please take care and have a safe and happy warm season. But bring on the cold winter weather sooner than later. LOL. We can't wait to do it again next year.

Elimination Draw 
RLSD Team:  October, 2024

Once again the Elimination Draw at Elmhirst Resort on Saturday, October 26th was a huge success. 164 people enjoyed the excitement and anticipation of seeing who would win while enjoying a fabulous roast beef dinner served by Elmhirst staff. Throughout the evening prizes, that had been donated by many local businesses and snowmobile supporters, were drawn as well. The Rice Lake Snow Drifters would like to thank everyone who played a part in making this a great night.

The winners of the draw were:
1st ticket drawn - $100 - Greg Sperry    |   50th ticket drawn - $100 - Katrina Haass
100th ticket drawn - $100 - Kim Sperry   |   150th ticket drawn - $100 - Sherry Gorrill
178th ticket drawn - $300 - Tom Innes   |   179th ticket drawn - $500 - Eric Howe
180th ticket drawn and the grand prize winner - $5000 - Peter Faux
Winner of the 50 50 - $575 - Janie Whittington
Congratulations to all the winners.

Amazing Businesses
The Rice Lake Snow Drifters would like to thank the following businesses who support our Elimination Draw. They are a huge part of the success of our fundraiser. Please support them if you can.  

...Our Sponsors
...Photos of the Event

Trail Update
Sherri Luff:  January, 2025

Hello Everyone,
Our volunteers and groomers are out on the trails working with the snow that we've had. There are wet spots, that even with the cold temperatures, the groomer is breaking through. Unfortunately the trails will be scratchy with bare spots as we need fresh snow.
The trail from the Havelock T to Stoney Lake, 569 north will not likely open this year. We have lost landowner permission in a couple of spots and we will have to reroute. Given the enormous work this will involve it will remain closed.
There have been messages asking about staking Rice Lake. We have heard that even with the cold temperatures the current is stronger this year and there are still open areas of water, ice huts taking on water and pressure cracks forming. Once our land trail work is done we will check the situation and determine if it is safe to stake. We need 10 to 12 inches in the middle.
Thank you for your patience. We are doing our best.

Annual Newsletter
RLSD Team:  October, 2024

Get your 2024 Newsletter here:  Annual Newsletter - PDF

We Are Hiring!
RLSD Team:  October, 2024

We are hiring groomer operators! Night-time grooming operations November 2024 to March 2025. Heavy equipment experience necessary, with training for snow grooming provided. Part-time hours, weather-dependent, in new and comfortable equipment. Please call Nathan Jackson at 705-872-1353 to inquire.

Trail Permits
RLSD Team:  November, 2024

Permits are available for sale online at
$294 plus $7.50 processing fee
CLASSIC PERMITS (1999 and older):
$201.20 plus $7.50 processing fee
Multi-Day Permits (2 consecutive days minimum)
More details to follow

Please choose RICELAKE SNOW DRIFTERS as your club to support.  A portion of your permit dollars comes back to our District to support trails in this area.

It is imperative that if you ride the trails you have a permit. The OPP and Trail Patrol will be out on the trails ensuring that this occurs. So much of our ability to work on the trails, groom the trails and provide safe and rideable trails depends on permits being bought. Without permit sales there is no revenue to complete this work which means trails will close. Thank you in advance for buying your permit.

News Continued

Recent news and articles from the Rice Lake Snow Drifters
Snowmobile Trail Groomer

A Message From the Board of Directors 
RLSD Team:  October, 2024

To our landowners, club volunteers, & fellow snowmobilers,

After a mild and rainy last season, we eagerly anticipate better trails for 2024/25. We and our volunteers will soon be brushing trails, placing field stakes, and affixing signage in preparation for busy trails when the snow arrives.  Our generous landowners are the foundation of our 130 km trail network. It is with their permission that we provide the best possible riding conditions with our grooming equipment and experienced operators. It is through the sale of trail permits that we fuel the groomers, maintain bridges, and keep signage to the high standard that earned us Ontario Club of the Year in 2017.

As a non-profit organization with finite volunteer time and resources, we are beholden to our over a hundred landowners as we cannot compensate them enough for their generosity.  Please honour the efforts of your club volunteers with safe and responsible riding this season. Be a great trail ambassador and deliver a wave and a thank you to our much-appreciated landowners.

Yours on the snow,
Your Rice Lake Snow Drifters team at 705-295-SNOW (7669)

2024 Elimination Draw Gallery

2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Numbers being pulled
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table
2024 Elimination Draw Attendees sitting around a table

Stay up to date with trails

Trail Status Reports 

  •       Download the Interactive Trail Guide HERE
  •       Mobile-friendly trail apps available for: iOS, Android & GPS 

Status: AVAILABLE when route is GREEN
The identified route is accessible with the understanding that the trail will likely vary considerably in quality, attributes and terrain over its length.

Access to the identified route is limited with marginal riding opportunities, snowmobilers enter with the understanding that they should exercise extreme care and reduce speed.

Status: UNAVAILABLE when route is RED
The route is not available at this time, access is prohibited and anyone entering the property may be trespassing.

Many Thanks to our Amazing Sponsors!


  • Birdsall Beach - Hastings
  • Cat Shack & Cycle Salvage
  • C&W Trailers - Peterborough
  • CBM Votorantim
  • Del Mastro - Peterborough
  • Douglas Automotive - Peterborough
  • Elmhirst Excavating - Keene
  • Gateway - Peterborough
  • Haass Acres - Otonabee South Monaghan
  • Jackson Equipment & Repair - Keene
  • JJ Stewart - Norwood
  • Muddy's Pit BBQ - Keene
  • OFSC
  • Old Railroad Stop Gas, Store & Restaurant
    Hiawatha First Nations
  • Outpost Packaging - Hastings
  • Romeo's Pizza - Keene
  • Stillbrook Riding Stables - Keene
  • The Cabin @ Honey Cove - Nikki Nelson - Keene
  • Three Roads Farm - Keene
  • Todd Equipment - Fraserville
  • Sherri & Doug Luff
  • Glen & Donna Atkinson
  • Elwood Ellis


Safety is huge in our sport. If you see any issues on our trails that require our immediate attention please contact us. We would like to know if trail maintenance is required, signs are missing or if in general there is a problem. We would also like to hear of erratic drivers or if you see 4 wheelers, ATVs or dirt bikes on our trail. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure others safety.

Please obey the speed limit of 50 km per hour and DO NOT CONSUME ALCOHOL OR DRUGS when DRIVING!!!! Call police if you see any concerns with snowmobile riders on the trails and especially if you see vehicles other than snowmobiles on the trail as they are NOT ALLOWED ON OUR TRAILS!! The more reporting, the more the OPP will monitor trails so REPORT, REPORT, and REPORT!!!!

YOU MUST CHECK THE ITG at for details on trails that are open and trails that are closed. KNOW BEFORE YOU GO.

Call us at 705-295-7669, email us at or call Kevin English at 705-639-2009 or Nathan Jackson at 705-872-1353

Board of Directors


All directors can be contacted by calling 705-295-SNOW (705-295-7669)

  • Nathan Jackson:  President - 705.872.1353
  • Kevin English:  Vice President - 705-639-2009
  • Nick Crowder:  Director
  • Doug Luff:  Treasurer - 705.295-4321
  • Sherri Luff:  Secretary - 705.295.4321
  • Julie English:  Executive Director
  • Mary Martin:  Volunteer Coordinator
  • Donna Atkinson:  Promotions
  • Rachel Atkinson:  Driver Training
  • Ken Edwards:  Trail Inspection Coordinator, Southern Trails
  • Dean Crowder:  Trail Inspection Coordinator, Northern Trails
  • Additional Directors
    Mary & Elwood Ellis - Elimination Draw
    Michelle Atkinson - Permits
    Shelley & Aaron Palmer
    Tom Irwin

General Club Contact

Rice Lake Snow Drifters
PO Box 125
Keene, ON - K0L 2G0
The Snow Line:  705.295.SNOW
Rice Lake Snow Drifters

© Copyright 2025 -  Rice Lake Snow Drifters - All Rights Reserved
Site by Grace Godfrey-Reid